Madar Training Centre

The responsibilities of trainees include:

    Maintain courteous and professional behavior weather at the MTC or at the work place.
  1. Attend classes and or work not less than 75% of the allocated time.
  2. Undertake training assignments and perform the training duties required and make reasonable progress to achieve the competencies outlined in the training delivery plan.
  3. Maintain the progress of study outlined in the course delivery plan and the work as agreed with the immediate supervisors at the work place he is assigned to.
  4. Keep the training material and training records in their possession, to produce whenever are required.
  5. Adhere to all health and safety rules and regulations and code of conducts weather at the MTC or at the work place (including dress and equipment).
  6. Take the initiative in raising problems or difficulties, however basic they may seem.
  7. Take notice that all information obtained from the employer and given in confidence must be kept confidential