Madar Training Centre
Policy(1): Equal Opportunities

The MTC, in accordance with the general intention of its Charter, confirms its commitment to a comprehensive policy of Equal Opportunities in training and employment in which individuals are treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities and are given Equal Opportunities within the centre.

The aim of this policy is to ensure that no trainee or employee should receive less favorable treatment on any grounds not relevant to good training or employment practice. The Centre is committed to a program of action to make this policy fully effective. It is the MTC policy to treat all people equally irrespective of race, ethnic origin, sex, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, creed, disability, age or political belief.

  1. To set a unified position in respect to registering a trainee in a MTC course.
  2. To set a unified position in respect to absence and lateness in all MTC classes.
  3. To set the criteria for granting the respective certificate of attendance.
  4. To set the Criteria for granting the respective certificate of completion.

This policy defines the registration and attendance procedures. It spells out the attendance conditions to granting a certificate of attendance and defines the grading structure for the certificate of completion.


  1. A trainee must first be registered as a MTC Trainee and is given a MTC ID number.
  2. To be registered for a course the trainee must satisfy the pre request of the respective course.


Attending the course sessions regularly and in time is a mandatory requirement of the course. The following regulations are defined to fulfill these obligations.

  1. A 10 minutes rest time is calculated for every Contact Learning Hour (CLH) Therefore: a) A two hours session is divided into two equal parts separated by a break of 20 minutes. b) A three hours session is divided into two equal parts of 75 minutes each separated by a break of 30 minutes, or three parts separated by two breaks the sum of which is 30 minutes. c) A four hours session is divided into three parts separated by two breaks the sum of which is 40 minutes.
  2. 2) The instructor checks the attendance of the trainees in each part in the course attendance sheet. The check is marked: a) P: for being present. b) A: for being absent. c) L1: for being late 5 to 15 minutes. d) L2: for being Late more than 15 minutes and less than 30 minutes.

(Please also refer to BTEC registration Policy – Addendum 3)


  • Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from work activities.
  • To consult with employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
  • To provide and maintain safe equipment.
  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances.
  • Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees.
  • To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training.
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
  • To maintain a safe and a healthy work environment.

To insure maintaining the safety of learners and staff the Centre will:

  • Provide staff necessary health and safety inductions and appropriate training as needed.
  • Provide personal protective equipment where needed.
  • Ensure escape routes are well signed and kept clear at all times.
  • Evacuation plans are tested from time to time and updated as necessary.
  • Ensure routine inspections and testing of equipment and machinery are in place and for ensuring that action is promptly taken to address any defects.
  • Complete relevant risk assessments and implement actions arising out of those assessments.


  • To ensure a unified structure of the sessions in all MTC classes.
  • To ensure that sessions are connected to make a whole course and are never fragmented.


The class is conducted as follows:

  • On the first day of the course
    a) the class is started with an initial personal presentation on the part of the instructor and the trainees. (about 15 minutes)
    b) A Pre-Test is conducted. (30 minutes test)
  • A delivery plan is shown on how the course will be presented. The learning outcome and objectives are presented.
  • A session plan is shown at the start of every session. The learning outcome and objectives are highlighted and how the learning material will meet these objectives.
  • The session is divided into three main sections:
    i. An introductory: to revise the main points on the previous session and possibly conduct a short quiz.
    ii. The Main portion of the current session.
    iii. An introduction to the next session, to enable trainees to prepare for the new session.


  1. To ensure a unified structure for all graded examinations at the MTC.
  2. To ensure that the examination caters for low, normal and high achievers.
  3. To provide a filtering tool to differentiate between low, normal and high achievers.
  4. To address the problems of low achievers to help them progress through the pressure of learning.
  5. To encourage high achievers and fast progressing trainees to achieve more through recognition of their efforts.


This policy draws a general structure for graded examinations; outlines a point of merits for trainees; and outlines a procedure to recognize the efforts of high achievers and hard-working trainees.


  1. All graded assignments, written examinations and exercises shell be structured as follows:
  2. A first part of a 50% to 60% weight, that all the class can answer including low achievers.
  3. A second part of 30% to 40% that the majority of the class can answer. The low achievers will find it challenging but can answer it at least to 50%.
  4. A third challenging part of 10% to 20% intended for high achievers with a minority of the class.

So, the mix could be (60, 30, 10) for a generally weak class, (50, 40, 10) for a normal class, and (50, 30, 20) for a strong class.

  1. An accumulative overall point of merit (APOM) is calculated for each trainee as follows:
  2. The accumulative average plus accumulative differential average of course work.
  3. The accumulative average plus accumulative differential average of graded examinations.
  4. Averages in (a) and (B) above are expressed in percentage form, weighted with a 50% each and added to represent an APOM indicator.

Trainees with an APOM of 90% and above are listed on the board of honours, invited to a special celebration for each course or program and are recognized for their effort with a free seat on an MTC course of their choice.

(Please also refer to BTEC Assessment Policy – addendum 2)


  1. To address complaints in a systematic fashion.
  2. To record complaints for efficient performance.


Complaints are taken seriously by MTC. In the event of a complaint from a trainee or a group of trainees, the following procedures are followed:

     1) A form (available at the front disk) is to be filled initially by the complainer(s), highlighting in general:

  • The date and location of the complaint.
  • The nature of the complaints (Personal, training assessment, etc.)
  • A brief description of the complaints.
  • What the complainer is expecting from the MTC to do to settle down his/her complaint.

     2) The form is then passed to the Training Manager (COURSE LEADER) for scrutiny (within two days) to decide on one of the following Channels:

  • To call the complainer, settle the complaint (if simple) quickly and close the complaint by both signatures and file it.
  • If it is against an Instructor then:
  • Makes a thorough investigation on the complaint to measure whether it is genuine or a made up complaint.
  • Calls the instructor, to take a brief account of his version of the complaint.
  • Arrange for a meeting to settle down the complaint and close it.

If the complaint is serious, then the COURSE LEADER makes a viable committee to settle it down, and its decisions are considered final.


  1. To make sure that all MTC instructors are aware of the current standards of instructional techniques.
  2. To create the systemic dynamics for the incremental improvement of training provisions.


Instructor’s meetings are essential to improve the quality of learning at MTC. This policy defines the frequency of these meetings and the substances to discuss. These meetings could be in a group or on an individual basis with the training manager.

     1) Group Instructors Meeting:
The instructors meet regularly with the Training Manager at least once every quarter to discuss:

  1. Progress on the courses.
  2. Common reoccurring problems.
  3. Implementation of policies.
  4. Instructor’s suggestions to improve the quality of teaching and training material.

     2) Individual Instructor Meeting:

Every instructor meets the COURSE LEADER on three occasions:

  • At the start of the course to ensure full awareness of:
    1. Implementation of class procedure policy.
    2. The code of conduct in the class.
    3. Required course forms to be completed by the Instructor.
  • After the Mid-Term Exam to:
    1. Submit and discuss a progress report on the course.
    2. Discuss ways and means to resolve recurring problems.
    3. Discuss methods to move forward on the second half of the course.
  • At the end of the course to:
    1. Submit and discuss a final report on the course.
    2. Discuss the instructor views on developing the course in all dimensions.
    3. Discuss trainee’s course evaluation and all feed-backs pertaining to the course.

Where a candidate wishes to appeal against an assessment decision taken on MTC program, a fee of BD 10 should be paid in advance, and the following points apply:

  • The appeal can only be made directly by the registered candidate through the MTC course leader. .
  • The appeal must be made within 14 working days of the Centre receiving the assessment decision from the Trainer. .
  • The appeal must be made in writing, and addressed to the MTC respective course leader. .
  • Upon receipt of the appeal, this will be acknowledged within 5 working days, in writing to the candidate. .
  • The COURSE LEADER will first check the status of the program, and the candidate’s registration. .
  • The original piece of work will be re-assessed by a different Trainer. .
  • The outcome of the appeal will be notified in writing to the candidate within 14 working days of its receipt by the COURSE LEADER. .
  • This decision will be final. .
  • Where the original decision is upheld, a charge of BD 10 will be levied. Where the original decision is overturned, the charge of BD 10 will be returned to the candidate.

(Please refer to BTEC Appeals policy – addendum 4)


  1. To define the role and responsibilities of the Internal verifier
  2. To define the role and responsibilities of the external verifier

     Internal Verifier
     The Role of Internal Verifier

The internal verifier supports and works with, all the Instructors to develop assessment procedures and facilitate good practices. To this end the internal verifier should:

  • 1) Liaise with the instructors
    1. national standards/interpretation
    2. record keeping
    3. awarding body requirements
  • Keep instructors informed of new developments and/or requirements of awarding bodies
  • Ensure instructors receive appropriate induction on strategies, policies and procedures.
  • Ensure appropriate resources are available.
  • Maintain accurate and up to date records
    1. registration records
    2. assessment records
    3. certification records
  • Monitor standardization of assessments by sampling.
    1. Liaise with the external verifier.
    2. Duties of the Internal Verifier
    3. Agree assessment plans with students.
    4. Interpret standards and assess to the standards.
    5. Check evidence presented by students is sufficient, up-to-date and appropriate / valid.
    6. Judge evidence against performance criteria and range statement.
    7. Identify gaps in evidence and offer ‘top-up’ training.
    8. Give constructive feedback to students.
    9. Arrange assessments for students with special requirements.
    10. Complete appropriate progress/assessment records.
    11. Agree student’s evidence/logbook statements.
    12. Sign off completed units where students have demonstrated competence.
    13. Meet regularly with the team of Instructors and the external verifier.

     The External Verifier
The Role of the External Verifier

     The external verifier (EV) supports and works with, the Internal Verifier, the director of MTC and its management to develop assessment procedures and facilitate good practices. To this end the external verifier should:

  • Liaise with the internal verifier :
    1. National standards/interpretation.
    2. Quality control.
    3. Awarding body requirements.
  • Keep internal verifier informed of new developments and/or requirements of awarding bodies.
  • Maintain accurate and up to date EV Reports.
  • Monitor standardization of assessments by sampling.
    1. Duties of the External Verifier
    2. Agree assessment plans with the Internal Verifier.
    3. Interpret standards and assess to the standards.
    4. Check evidence presented by students is sufficient, up-to-date and appropriate / valid.
    5. Judge evidence against performance criteria and range statement.
    6. Identify gaps in evidence and offer ‘top-up’ training.
    7. Give constructive feedback to Internal Verifier.
    8. Check progress/assessment records for appropriateness.
    9. Meet regularly with MTC Management, the Internal Verifier and the team of Instructors.

(Please also refer to BTEC Internal Verification Policy – addendum)

(For BTEC please refer to the recognition of prior learning policy at Not currently applicable


  • To support and recognize learners prior achievements.
  • To insure catering to learners of different levels and abilities.


MTC’s policy is to not waste any training second without ensuring an internationally accredited value. Prior learning is recognized by MTC and credit transfer is allowed when applicable.


  • To define conflict of interest.
  • To draw attention to possible conflicts of interest and cases.

Conflict of interest is any circumstances that could affect the judgment or objectivity of the Instructor, Assessor or Internal verifier towards MTC and/or learners.


It is the policy of MTC for Instructors, Assessors and Internal verifiers to disclose any conflict of interest by filling a conflict of interest form. Actions may be taken depending on the situation.

  • Restricting access to particular information.
  • Rearrangement or transfer of responsibilities eg appointing an alternative assessor.
  • Replacement of the individual.

(For BTEC please refer to the Supplementary guidance for reasonable adjustments and special consideration at ) (pick out the parts of the document that are relevant )


  • MTCs arrangements for special considerations and reasonable adjustments of qualifications.
  • Special considerations given to learners.
  • Qualifying for reasonable adjustments and special considerations.


MTC insures that all learners are provided with equal opportunities

  • Special help will be available to learners with physical or sensory impairment affecting their ability to carry out day to day activities.
  • Extra learning hours will be available to learners of different mental abilities.

Marketing at the MTC is a continuous process starts with the initial telephone call to the customer and never ends thereafter. Broadly speaking marketing moves in parallel with MTCs training methodology, and can be considered as a three stage process as follows: a) Before the course, b) During the course c) After the course.


All learners should have equal opportunity to access training at Madar Training Centre and the centre will:

  • Ensure the courses are accessible to all learners.
  • Ensuring the course is designed to accommodate learners of different abilities and levels.
  • Ensuring fairness of learner access to information.


  • Learners with a protected characteristic, when they are undertaking training at MTC, are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged in comparison to learners who do not share that characteristic.
  • Monitoring and review of equality and diversity throughout the process of training.
  • Ensuring to meet the access arrangements requested for our learners in a way that does not disadvantage either them or their peers.


  • To identify and minimise the risk of malpractice by staff or learners.
  • To respond to any incident of alleged malpractice promptly and objectively.
  • To standardise and record any investigation of malpractice to ensure openness and fairness.
  • To impose appropriate penalties and/or sanctions on learners or staff where Incidents (or attempted incidents) of malpractice are proven.
  • To protect the integrity of this centre and BTEC qualifications.

In order to do this, the centre will:

  • Seek to avoid potential malpractice by using the induction period and the learner handbook to inform learners of the centre’s policy on malpractice and the penalties for attempted and actual incidents of malpractice.
  • Show learners the appropriate formats to record cited texts and other materials or information sources.
  • Ask learners to declare that their work is their own.
  • Ask learners to provide evidence that they have interpreted and synthesised appropriate information and acknowledged any sources used.
  • Conduct an investigation in a form commensurate with the nature of the malpractice allegation. Such an investigation will be supported by the Head of Centre / Principal / CEO and all personnel linked to the allegation. It will proceed through the following stages:
  • Make the individual fully aware at the earliest opportunity of the nature of the alleged malpractice and of the possible consequences should malpractice be proven.
  • Give the individual the opportunity to respond to the allegations made.
  • Inform the individual of the avenues for appealing against any judgment made.
  • Document all stages of any investigation.

This contingency plan is to cover events outside the control of the Training Centre, for example, extreme weather conditions, car accidents and staff absence due to ill health.

     Aims and Objectives:

Our aim is to keep the Training Centre open wherever possible and provide suitable substitute tutors should any be absent.

     Duty of Care:

In our Centre the term ‘Duty of Care’ is defined as “an obligation, recognised by law, to avoid conduct fraught with unreasonable risk of danger to others”.
In the contingency policy, the Managing Director in the first place has a duty of care to:

  • Learners
  • Staff

     Decision Making Process

This process is totally dependent on the circumstances at the time and how long the problem occurring could last. Cover for classes will be provided wherever possible and continuity of course delivery is of optimum priority

     Channels of Communication

If a decision is made to close the Centre due to extreme circumstances, learners and employers will be contacted at the soonest opportunity to communicate this and wherever possible reduce the risk of wasted travel time.


  • Once a year this policy will be reviewed and various scenarios and updates made as necessary.
  • This Contingency Policy will come into operation only if all procedures cannot result in the Centre being kept open. These will probably be caused by:
  • Staffing problems (not enough staff able to get to the Centre).
  • Building problems (services not available i.e. no air conditioning in summer, lights or water).
  • Staff being taken ill during the day and no cover available.